If you’ve ever seen an eFoil in motion, chances are that it’s been moving fast and flying on top of the water. While there’s usually flat water beneath the eFoil board, it’s not always as soft of a landing should you take a fall.
As your West Coast eFoil headquarters, safety is one of our top priorities, and it’s paramount out in the open water when you’re eFoiling. There’s a few things to make your ride safer, from a few rules to a few products, so you can keep on riding that electric foil board and know that you’re in safe hands.
Some Basic Smarts To Keep You Safer
A rule we really like to start with is to keep your controller off until you’re on the board. This is so it doesn’t move away from you or run into you from accidentally squeezing the eFoil trigger.
Additionally, be careful of the propeller. It’s pretty deep in the water and away from you, but it’s good practice to always be mindful of the prop.
Protect Ya Head: Helmets For eFoiling
The first accessory we recommend getting is a helmet, and we highly suggest you get one. You may think it looks a little dorky, but a Fliteboard can get up to almost thirty miles an hour, which can create a pretty gnarly fall.
Our shop carries two awesome brands of helmets. We recommend the Gath Neo Helmet, a super lightweight surfing helmet that’s comfortable and gives you great peripheral vision.
We also like the Simba Sentinel with its head coverage and aquadynamic design. Furthermore, it comes in bright colors so you can be seen if you end up in the water.
Stay Afloat: eFoil Vests
Another great thing to get is an eFoil vest. Besides the helmet, this is the other required item we bring to our Flite School lessons. Vests are super necessary because, if you go unconscious from a hard fall, it will keep you safe and afloat.
We love the Fliteboard Impact Vest because it fits well and has good padding for falls. Not to mention, it’s got a simple, sleek design and pairs well with any Fliteboard.
We also love the Follow Unity Vest, which looks rad and feels good when you’re up on an eFoil.
Optional: Sunglasses
While the vest and helmet are absolutely necessary, we’ve spent a lot of hours on the water and have some additional recommendations to make your eFoil experience safe and even more pleasant.
We highly recommend getting sunglasses to help you ward off the glare so you can see the water better. Not to mention, less sunlight in your eyes is better for your eye health.
We love the Oakley Clifdens. Okay, we admit they look pretty dope, but, as they were designed for mountaineering for sharp light reflecting off glaciers, they work just as well on the open water when the light ripples off the surface.
Not your style? The Oakley Split Shot is a great alternative for your taste!
Suggested Extras
And to send you off with some extras to make your experience safer and better, we recommend a Pro 4/3 Sealed Steamer wetsuit so you can go year-round. Especially in the colder months, it will help ward off hypothermia from cool waters and chilly winds. Also, these wetsuits add a little more buoyancy to keep you afloat!
And finally, we suggest you look into the Mystic Marshall water shoe. It gives you protection from the bottoms of lakes, seas, and rivers, and gives your insulation a bit of a boost.
At our shop, we’re all about the outdoors and having fun. And, being responsible riders, safety is key. Our motto is “Make Your Next Ride Your Best Ride,” and solid safety equipment will make sure you actually get to that next ride.
Swing by the shop for all things eFoils and even get yourself a lesson. Happy riding, fam.